Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions for group bookings



  1. The agreement / contract will become legally binding upon our receipt of your signed copy of the agreement / contract and payment of the full amount of the deposit.
  2. Once signed, the customer must return the agreement / contract to PR Medical Events by email to the following address: offi[email protected].
  3. PR Medical Events will return the contract when it becomes valid.

Any offered hotel rooms are held on a provisional first-option basis. To confirm the booking, the client must provide the following by the date specified in the booking agreement:

  1. Signed booking agreement.
  2. Payment of the deposit within the stipulated due date.


  1. PR Medical Events is responsible only for the services assumed in the agreement / contract.
  2. Invoices issued by PR Medical Events will be sent by electronic mail and are considered to be communicated and accepted by the CUSTOMER in the next day after the e-mail was sent by the PR Medical Events to the CUSTOMER`s e-mail address.
  3. Guests must pay for all their own incidentals. All the optional expenses in the rooms & hotel areas, including but not limited to room service and mini-bar, are paid by the guests.
  4. No-shows and early departures will be paid for the entire period booked.
  5. The required minimum stay per room per night is within the requested dates. Any changes to the number of guestrooms may result in a compulsory change of the room rate.
  6. All bank wire transfers and the incurred transfer fees are the sole responsibility of the customer.
  7. In case of change or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities, the rates may be subject to change without prior notice.


Any eventual amendments, only if confirmed by PR Medical Events, will be contained in an addendum.


Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any failure or delay in performing any of its obligations under the parties agreement, if the failure or delay was due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to civil or political action of disturbance, natural disasters, failure of or interruption in externally provided services and utilities, terrorist activity or other serious potential threats. Furtnermore, PR Medical Events shall not be liable for any unforeseen or unforeseeable circumstance which interferes with the fulfillment, in full or in part of the agreement. Such circumstances are also understood to include such situations involving third parties (hotels, suppliers or institutions) which PR Medical Events is planning to use in fulfilling the Contract.


All services subject of the agreement, any additional rooms/nights required as well as hotel related services such as meeting rooms, must be booked and paid through PR Medical Events.

Any information regarding PR Medical Events clients or suppliers that will come to the knowledge of the CUSTOMER is confidential.  The CUSTOMER will not contact any client or supplier of PR Medical Events and all communications will be conducted and submitted with and through PR Medical Events. Any site inspection will also be conducted through PR Medical Events.

If services are cancelled for non-payment or at the CUSTOMERS’s written instruction, PR Medical Events right for compensation remains in full due to non-compliance of the accepted agreement, and the deposits that remain unsettled on the dates requested are still due.

The object of the accommodation agreement/contract is specifically defined by services requested and confirmed by CUSTOMER, provided for the dates specified, unrelated to other events.

Furthermore, the object of the contract is represented by services requested and confirmed by the Agency, provided for the dates specified, unrelated to other events.

If however the contracted period coincides with the unfolding of an event in general, PR Medical Events is not responsible for terms & conditions set forth, directly or indirectly by the housing bureau for that event. If rooms are part of housing block, PR Medical Events is not responsible for terms & conditions or changes set forth, directly or indirectly by the housing bureau for that event (including but not limited to additional charges, cancellation or relocation of rooms). At the request of the Agency the Customer undertakes to provide any documents (e.g. proof of authorization) necessary for PR Medical Events to book rooms on behalf of Customer or its Clients.

PR Medical Events shall act as a mediator only and cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred or any damage inflicted on companies, persons or objectives irrespective of whatsoever cause.

The CUSTOMER shall indemnify and hold harmless PR Medical Events and the hotel for any liability or loss directly or indirectly resulting from or related to any person or damage to property caused by the CUSTOMER or its employees, agents or guests, any damage to property caused by any contractor, subcontractor, supplier or other person contracted by your organisation or your employees, agents, or guests, and any reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred (at trial and all appellate levels) arising from or related to this clause. The CUSTOMER further agrees that in the event that they fail to comply with the terms of the agreement, they will be liable for all fees, costs and expenses, including without limitation, all attorney’s fees and expenses incurred by PR Medical Events in any proceeding related to the rights under the agreement.


In order to ensure that the hotel(s) can try to accommodate any special needs of the guests, the customer must communicate such requirements to PR Medical Events no later than the date that it provides the rooming lists. PR Medical Events will endeavour to accommodate all requests received but will advise the customer if any request cannot be accommodated.


The Parties agree that any dispute concerning the interpretation and application of this Contract will be settled by the competent court at PR Medical Events place of business, court that shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


The present Terms and Conditions together with the related agreement / contract, make an indivisible whole.